Potassium Sorbate
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Food, Beverage, Pickles, Tobacco, Medicine, Cosmetics, Agricultural, Feed


Molecular Formula: C6H7KO2


Melting point :270 ℃


1. Potassium sorbate is a kind of food preservative with broad spectrum sterilization, and because it is easy to obtain and relatively cheap, it has become the favorite food preservative of choice for many food enterprises.

2. Sorbic acid and its salts are widely recognized for their low toxicity and low cost.Sorbic acid is a common fatty acid, which is involved in human metabolism to produce only non-toxic carbon dioxide and water. It is regarded as one of the safe ingredients of food.It can inhibit the growth of foodborne microorganisms, prevent food spoilage, have no obvious influence on the flavor status of food, do not change the characteristics of food, keep the original color and aroma of food, and the most important point is that sorbic acid is only 1/4 of the toxicity of benzoic acid.

3. Sorbic acid is a globally recognized safe and non-toxic preservative and is permitted in all countries.Because sorbic acid is less soluble, the food industry often replaces sorbic acid with a more soluble salt.Potassium sorbate, an unsaturated fatty acid salt that is involved in normal metabolism in the body to produce carbon dioxide and water, is also considered a safe food ingredient.In addition, potassium sorbate use method and its flexibility, can be directly added to the food or spray soaking.

4. Potassium sorbate is highly recommended by the FOOD and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, as well as the United States, The United Kingdom, Japan and some countries in Southeast Asia. In recent years, potassium sorbate has become an important food preservative in the key development of various countries.

Quality standard:

Prepared at 51st JECFA(1998), published in FNP 52 add 6(1998), superseding specifications prepared at the 17th JECFA(1973), published in FNP 4(1978) and republished in FNP 52(1992).

Goup ADI 0-25 mg/kg bw for sorbic acid and its calcium, potassium and sodium salts, expressed as sorbic acid.

Potassium Sorbate

